These artists explore the boundaries between realism and abstraction. Their works reference the masters of action painting (de Kooning, Pollock), mixed media (Rauschenberg, Bearden), pop (Warhol), color field (Frankenthaler), and painterly portraiture (Freud, Bacon), while synthesizing their own visual language.
Electronic media also exerts a huge influence among many of these painters, some of whom employ glitched, pixelated imagery as a modern take on impressionism.
Electronic media also exerts a huge influence among many of these painters, some of whom employ glitched, pixelated imagery as a modern take on impressionism.
I admire these artists' virtuosity and refusal to settle on a formulaic, marketable style. Rather, these artists continue to experiment with technique, materials, and content.
Click on their links and explore their work.
Click on their links and explore their work.